E. grandiflorum Forma Flavescens
Previously offered as E. grandiflorum ssp. koreanum, Professor Stearn reclassified this group in his 2002 monograph. He also recognized E. koreanum as a distinct species. This was a start in sorting out the confusion within this group, but probably not the end of the story.
Native to Hokkaido and N. Honshu, Japan. Deciduous. Probably more cold hardy (USDA Zone 4, possibly 3) than straight E. grandiflorum. Medium to large leaflets. The forms we grow do not produce a second growth flush. Large greenish-white to pale yellow flowers usually bloom just below newly unfurling leaves. Semi-spreading with 2-4” rhizomes.
We grow many distinct forms of f. flavescens, (probably differing from one another due to their origins in segregated wild populations). We gave each “type” a number (unless we has location data), but not a cultivar name as there are probably thousands of similar clones in the original wild populations.
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #2
E. grandiflorum f. flavescens #2 (Cc. 940550)
Of the over 50 distinct clones of E. grandiflorum f. flavescens that Darrell brought back from Japan, this is by far the earliest to bloom with large, pale greenish-yellow flowers held below large, elliptical, bright apple green leaflets. Large, mature leaflets etched by the nearly parallel main veins make a bold, elegant garden statement. From the Kyoto Botanic Garden in Japan, it is very different from other clones circulating in the U.S. 20" tall. Clear yellow fall foliage. Spreads by 2-4" rhizomes.
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #3
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #3 (Cc. 950129)
Originally sold by Siskiyou Rare Plant Nursery under the invalid name E. macranthum ‘Aureum’. At 14”, it is shorter than most other E. grandiflorum f. flavescens clones offered here. Beautiful red-copper young leaflets unfurl over large, pale yellow flowers. After bloom, large, bold, oval-shaped leaflets expand to form an impressive mound. Clear yellow fall foliage color. Spreads by 2-4" rhizomes.
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #4
E. grandiflorum f. flavescens #4 (Cc. 960021)
Very different from other forms in commerce—almost like a straight E. grandiflorum. 20” tall, with 27 small leaflets per leaf, lightly bronze-tinted in spring. Large soft yellow flowers are held out from beneath the many small leaflets on long peduncles. Thin, wiry red stems arch out over the flowers, enhance the overall graceful textural nature of this clone.
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #5
E. grandiflorum f. flavescens #5 (Cc. 970232)
Reminiscent of E. koreanum ‘Harold Epstein’, with large soft yellow flowers and huge rounded leaflets, nearly as broad as long. However, its spreading rhizomes only grow 2-6” per year, forming a much thicker mass in the garden. Large, light yellow flowers held below the emerging foliage. 20” tall. Rusty red fall color.
Epimedium grandiflorum f . flavescens #6
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens #6
Cc. 950188
Distinctive for the exaggerated extra points on each terminal leaflet. In spring, the large leaflets have a thin dark bronze edging with an overall light bronze blush. The smooth leaf surface and very delicate spring coloration creates a soft effect. Sizeable clusters of large, showy, pale yellow flowers are borne on long sprays beneath the leaves as they unfurl. 16” in bloom, to 20” tall. Spreads 2-4" per year.
Epimedium grandiflorum forma flavescens "Aomori Forms"
E. g. f. flavescens “Aomori Forms” (Several clones/Cc. #)
Prof. Stearn’s 1938 Epimedium monograph mentions “Faurie’s robust specimens from Aomori in Honshu, Japan”. Darrell explored the region in 1997. After several inquiries, their host led them to a steep hillside of densely planted Cryptomeria japonica, beneath which grew knee-high Epimediums with leaflets the size of your hand! Spring leaflets often flushed bronze-purple on 15-24” stems. Large, light yellow flowers open beneath the unfurling leaves. Rhizomes spread 2-4” a year, creating massive clumps over time.
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens 'Chocolate Lace'
E. grandiflorum f. flavescens ‘Chocolate Lace’ (Cc. 980200)
***2003 Cobblewood Introduction***
Yummy, milk-chocolate tones on the emerging spring leaflets later melt into a rich burgundy tracing over a green backdrop with deep purple edges, before they mature to green. Large creamy, yellow-green flowers are held below the foli
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens 'LaRocaille'
Epimedium grandiflorum f. flavescens ‘La Rocaille’ (Cc. 950040)
Originally offered in the 1970’s as E. grandiflorum f. flavescens by George Schenk of The Wild Garden, Bothel, WA. Plants established in Harold’s garden 25 years before grew into a large mass 6’ across. Its vigorous habit, long arrow-shaped leaflets and large, pale yellow flowers moved Harold to name it after his garden. Foliage is flushed a beautiful red in spring. 14” tall.