E. x youngianum ‘Akebono’ (Cc. 980004)
A charming small Japanese cultivar, with ¾” delicate, but full, light rose pink/lavender flowers. Small cup is backed by long, slender, pointed sepals with a white mid-rib. New growth has a reddish-cast at leaf edge. Foliage matures to small, milky-green leaves. 5” in bloom, second flush to 8”. Very floriferous.
A charming small Japanese cultivar, with ¾” delicate, but full, light rose pink/lavender flowers. Small cup is backed by long, slender, pointed sepals with a white mid-rib. New growth has a reddish-cast at leaf edge. Foliage matures to small, milky-green leaves. 5” in bloom, second flush to 8”. Very floriferous.