E. macrosepalum (Several clones/Cc. numbers)
An evergreen and drought-tolerant species from the S.E. coastal region of Russia. The flower of this species makes up for its paucity of flowers with their size. The flowers have enormous (for an Epimedium) inner sepals that are a heavenly shade of lavender-pink. Unlike most inner sepals that follow the curve of the spurs, these petaloid structures reflex back like huge rounded wings, arching above the down curving spurs, like an insect taking flight. Both the cup and the tips of the spurs fade to white. Ground hugging foliage 4-8” high is composed of small to medium-sized rounded, heart-shaped leaflets that turn deep maroon over winter. Its low, running habit makes this species a good groundcover. Vigorously spreads by thin 4-12” rhizomes.
An evergreen and drought-tolerant species from the S.E. coastal region of Russia. The flower of this species makes up for its paucity of flowers with their size. The flowers have enormous (for an Epimedium) inner sepals that are a heavenly shade of lavender-pink. Unlike most inner sepals that follow the curve of the spurs, these petaloid structures reflex back like huge rounded wings, arching above the down curving spurs, like an insect taking flight. Both the cup and the tips of the spurs fade to white. Ground hugging foliage 4-8” high is composed of small to medium-sized rounded, heart-shaped leaflets that turn deep maroon over winter. Its low, running habit makes this species a good groundcover. Vigorously spreads by thin 4-12” rhizomes.