Epimedium fargesii (Several clones/Cc. numbers)
The typical forms of a very choice species and the main target of Darrell’s November 2000 collecting trip to China. He gathered small divisions from a variety of plants at seven locations. 12-18” tall in bloom, with narrow, medium-sized arrow-shaped, dark evergreen leaflets, that persist in the winter garden.
The medium-sized flowers typically have long, white/pale lavender inner-sepals that wrap around smaller, lavender spurs. Often both reflex backwards. Foliage exhibits dark maroon flecking in spring and sometimes fall. First flush 8-10", second growth flush to 15".
The typical forms of a very choice species and the main target of Darrell’s November 2000 collecting trip to China. He gathered small divisions from a variety of plants at seven locations. 12-18” tall in bloom, with narrow, medium-sized arrow-shaped, dark evergreen leaflets, that persist in the winter garden.
The medium-sized flowers typically have long, white/pale lavender inner-sepals that wrap around smaller, lavender spurs. Often both reflex backwards. Foliage exhibits dark maroon flecking in spring and sometimes fall. First flush 8-10", second growth flush to 15".