April 18, 2023
In disassembling my nursery with visions of retirement in my headlights, I am left with a smattering of saleable pots of many different species and varieties of Epimediums, many of which I do not normally bring to plant sales. I will be offering these odds and ends as well as customer favorites at four off-site plant sales this year. The first is the Alpine Plant Sale at Stonecrop Gardens in Cold Spring, NY on Sat. Apr. 29. I’ll be arriving a day early to give a talk at 5:30pm on Epimediums — Jewels of the Shade and will have a few plants available for sale to attendees. Next I will travel to the Sakonnet Plant Fair in Little Compton, RI on Sat. May 6. I didn’t attend this sale’s debut in 2022, but heard it was a great success, despite less than ideal weather. There will be even more vendors this year. If you plan to attend, including a visit to the nearby garden fantasy known as Sakonnet Gardens is a must (reservations required). Later in May, The Garden Conservancy is sponsoring an open day on May 21 at a charming, rural private garden, local to me– Swift River Farm in Petersham, MA where I will be selling epimediums alongside Primrose Hill Woodlanders. Then on Sat. Sept. 9, I will return for one last time to the Mid Atlantic Hardy Plant Society Fall Gardeners Market in Collegeville, PA. Click here for a list and details of all my upcoming sales and talks. I hope to see you at one or more of them. Please bring cash or check as I no longer can take credit cards.

As for the future of this website I intend to keep it available for the information it provides. My very talented webmaster Stefan Matei, is working on a new look. For now, I have listed descriptions of all of the plants– both Epimediums and companion perennials, that have been featured in the past. I also have an updated list of other mail order sources of Epimediums.
Learn about growing epimediums and their characteristics by scrolling through some of the blogs I have written in the past under the headings: About Epimediums (to learn about general characteristics) and Epimediums Up Close (where I talk about what I have learned growing them for the past 25 years). You can locate these tabs by scrolling down the home page. I will also continue to present an introduction to Epimediums powerpoint program called Epimediums– Jewels of the Shade, geared toward garden clubs and plant societies, both in-person and in Zoom format. Send me an email for more information about speaking to your group. Thanks to the many people who have supported this endeavor over the years and happy gardening.
Karen Perkins
Garden Vision Epimediums